Where are the Young Avengers in the MCU?

 Where are the Young Avengers in the MCU?

I'll be looking at some of the Young Avengers characters who've been introduced in a few recent, and upcoming, Marvel films and how this could lead to a Young Avengers project in the MCU. So far, none of these characters have reached their ages as seen in the comics, or formed their team that could eventually make up the plot of a movie or TV show. So far six have appeared, with set up for a few more.

1: Stature (Cassandra Lang)

This member is the daughter of Scott Lang/Ant Man, and has the same powers to shrink and grow. She appeared in the first two 'Ant Man' films and 'Endgame', and will be appearing again in 'Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' played by an older actor Kathryn Newton. It's yet to be seen how the character will be aged-up, from being played by other younger actors in previous films. One likely explanation is the use of the Quantum Realm and time travel. Another could be Hulk's failed time machine, which has been shown to change the ages of Scott Lang before. 

2: Wiccan and Speed 

These two characters were recently introduced in Wandavision. They were again much younger than their comic counterparts, and didn't adopt their superhero names yet. Their origins were very different to that of the comics, having been created by Wanda. As they have since died in the MCU, having been tied to Wanda's 'Hex' creation, they will have to be reintroduced. During the post credits scene we see Wanda using astral projection magic, similar to Dr Strange looking into possible futures. When she hears Wiccan and Speed's voices, this could be a hint to them existing in the multiverse/possible timeline she was viewing, which leads to their comic origin of both being resurrected back in the MCU. 

3: Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)

This member is the first female to take the Hawkeye name after he was first killed in the comics. She's due to be played in the upcoming Hawkeye TV show by Hailee Steinfeld. Her being the first Young Avengers character in the MCU who is the correct age, may lead to her future plotlines. As she takes the mantle of Hawkeye and is trained by Clint Barton, she'd be the most experience and oldest member. This puts her in a position of form or lead the team when they are all introduced later in the MCU. 


4: Ironheart (Riri Williams)

This character is not part of the Young Avengers team in the comics, but seems a very likely replacement for the character Iron Lad. She'll be the star of the upcoming Ironheart TV show, and seems well set up for a legacy avenger in the same way Kate Bishop is. Her character was 15 when she made her own Iron man armor, and was guided by an A.I replica of Tony Stark. Her character could be another potential for the MCU version of the team, and could reintroduce Robert Downy Jr in the role of the A.I stark and her mentor. This seems more likely than Iron Lad, who is the teenage version of Kang, a villain who will play a part in Ant man 3. 

5: Miss America

A hero from an alternate universe named the Utopian Parallel. She will be introduced in 2022 with 'Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness', played by Xochitl Gomez. As this character is from another dimension, she'll likely be brought to the main Marvel universe by Strange or Wanda, who will also be appearing in the film. Her character got powers from the Demiurge, a powerful entity that could serve as a potential villain for any Young Avengers project. Miss America would also be a good tie in to the main Avengers, after the events of Falcon and the Winter Soldier, as she took the Captain America identity in some continuities.  

It remains to be seen how these characters will meet up to form the MCU version of the Young Avengers, and some of them will change ages to those seen in the comics. Some as yet unseen members such as Kid Loki, and Hulkling already have clear lead ins to join the MCU in future. Kid Loki potentially during the Loki TV show because it involves time travel. Hulkling could have importance during Secret Invasion, as he connects the Skrull and Kree as a hybrid. There are a few more Young Avengers members who's place within the shared universe is unknown, but will be interesting additions.

What do you think about this team for a future film or show? Who else would you want to join the team, and how would you go about their origins?   


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